Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Another Website To Oggle.

Hey so I just published a game type website project for my class again. Anyone that is interested should definitely check it out at: http://fs.finearts.utah.edu/~kpieper/PieperKP2/index.html. Please do let me know what you think.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sorrow... Thy Name is Luffy

The newest episode of One Piece came out over the weekend, and I enjoyed it a great deal. Most of the episode is about Luffy's recovery after the War of the Greatest ends, and time jumps around a little bit from place to place. A lot of chaos has broken out in the world because of the imbalance in power. With White Beard dead many areas are left without a deterrent and are being pillaged by mean spirited pirates. The ending is quite sad in this episode. Luffy wakes up from what seemed like a coma and goes on a rampage looking for his brother, even though he is still in a very poor state of health. Jimbei later forces Luffy to come to the realization that his brother Ace had died. There are then some flash backs of Luffy and Ace together and the episode ends with Luffy in tears. It was quite sad.

Monday, March 28, 2011

After the Spring

Well seeing as how it was spring break last week, I didnt do much other than hang out with people and ski a lot while I was back home. I did watch like two episodes of Black Cat which is a pretty cool anime about a assassin named Black Cat who decides to turn to the peaceful ways of life after a string of events. He is then hunted by the organization that he once worked for as well as by a group of psychopathic people who want him to join their organization. It is an interesting show with a good cast, however its a Shonen show so there is no real gore or violence in it which is a little disappointing since it has so much good potential for it >:]

Monday, March 14, 2011

Website-y Goodness

For the class that I am keeping this blog for, I am required to create a few web pages.  The first of which will be about back country skiing, I am excited about its creation and hopes that people will use it as a resource when planning on going for a back country adventure.
Again, the website can be found at:

Monday, March 7, 2011

Finishing off Chrome Shelled Regios

So releases of One Piece are still super slow, I watched the newest one last night, which was cool even though it did not seem like much happened in it. In the mean time I have just been watching the rest of Chrome Shelled Regios which is an average length anime of 24 episodes. The show is kind of weird, and I do not really understand what is going on in it most of the time. Like why are there massive bugs called contaminoids, and why is the world toxic outside of the cities called Regios which move around on their own? Some things in it just make no sense and are not explained at all which is a little annoying to me, but whatever its still a cool show I suppose.

Monday, February 28, 2011

A new show in the off time.

So as I stated last week, the releases of new episodes for One Piece have been slow. Because of this I have started to watch a new show called "Chrome Shelled Regios," Which follows the life of a master swordsman named Layfon who was apparently expelled from his former Regios, which are cities that are atop a moving platform and encased within a protective shell because the environment on the outside is uninhabitable apparently. Its been an interesting show so far, kinda confusing though. I may or may not go back to watching shows like Naruto and Bleach, we will see I guess.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Releases are slow...

I have finally caught up to where the anime is for One Piece, and I must say it is torture waiting a week between every new episode. The episode this week however was pretty awesome because of all of the stuff that went down in it. Black Beard showed up and wreaked havoc, ultimately ending White Beards life, and later stealing his powers that allowed him to create earth quakes. All the while Luffy is unconscious because of the shock that he just witnessed, the shock of his brother Ace dieing by the hands of a marine admiral named Akoinu. With Luffy in hand, the former warlord Jimbei, first son of the sea (a merman with very powerful fishman karate), tries to escape the navy headquarters island, but is again stopped by Akoinu who blasts a hole through Jimbei and part of Luffy's chest. The episode ends with Buggy carrying Jimbei and Luffy by a strang turn of events and a rookie pirate showing up in a submarine to help save Luffy.